Meet the Children

The greatest treasure of Manjo Children’s Home is obviously the children. Our desire is to give them a safe place where they are surrounded by love, a place where they can develop into the persons they are meant to be. We want to give them opportunities to develop their minds and gifts and a place to call home.

Most of them at this point have lost the safety net of family. Some never knew one or both their parents. Many have never experienced a functioning home. Some of them still do have family currently living in a danger zone due to the civil war. We believe the best environment for each child is within their family. Our goal is to reunite a child with his or her family, if possible. Until then and for those who do not have this option, we want to provide the best possible home we can.

One of our future goals is to enable sponsorships for children in the surrounding area who do have a family, but who live in poverty, and therefore cannot afford proper nutrition or a good education.