Nora Moutale Asaly

Nora lost both her parents in the on-going civil war. She found refuge with an aunt in Loum, a town 30 minutes away from Manjo, where Nora was helping with farming. When her aunt decided to go back to her original town, Nora ran away, because she didn’t want to go. She found a place to stay with another family where she again helped with farming on a daily basis. Social Services became concerned for her as she often just went to the fields alone with the man of the family and they wanted to prevent any abuse. Nora also hadn’t attended school for six years. When Nora heard that she would find a home at MCH and that she would be able to go back to school, which she really loves, she was very happy and excited. We are very happy to have Nora as a part of our Manjo family.