Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

Merry Christmas 2021

Dear Family & Friends,

As we wrap up the year 2021 I join my voice with those of the children at the Manjo Children’s Home to wish you all a most wonderful New Year filled with peace and good health.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

Christmas Celebration at School

Just wanted to share a few really cute pictures of our youngest ones at their Christmas celebration at school.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei


Dear Family & friends,It’s that time of the year we purposely pause to reflect on the goodness of GOD.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2021 Update

I can't believe it has been 5 months since we sent an update from Manjo Children's home. During that time of silence, many tremendous things have happened!

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2020 Update

In February/March 2020 Simone Njei and her husband Richard traveled to Cameroon to visit the Manjo Children's Home and oversee several projects.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2019 Update

This year, in March, my husband Richard and I took a trip to Manjo! It was a very successful trip with so many highlights.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2018 Update

2018 Official Opening of Manjo Children's Home

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2017 Update

Manjo Children's Home is now a reality. It is a place a child can find refuge, love, and restoration. It is a place prepared for them by a loving Father.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2016 Update

In January 2016 a team of four from the US including Simone Batchadji, Roger Kelly, Trevor Briggs, and Bob Perdue (all members of the Manjo Board of Directors) traveled to Cameroon.

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Simone (Batchadji) Njei Simone (Batchadji) Njei

2006-2014 Update

In 2006 the Lord gave Simone Batchadji a vision to reach the street children of Cameroon. He called her to provide a home for children she didn’t know.

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