Summer 2022 Update

Dear Family & Friends, 

I hope this first part of Summer has been a great time for you and your family.  Each day of rain here in Virginia felt like an extra blessing since we have had some days with excessive heat. 

Each time I have the privilege of sharing with you an update on Manjo Children’s Home, it is done with a heart of gratitude knowing that your prayers and support through the years are a big part of making this place what it is today: lives transformed, children loved and care for,  a family environment etc.. 

It is with great encouragement that I report that this past school year was a great success for the children at Manjo.  Not only did all our children pass to the next class but also some of them were first in their class. The bonus was young Bristol who came to us after missing three years of school fleeing from the civil war area and living in the forest. Today he finished this school year first in his class and next year will be writing his common entrance and first living certificate to go to secondary school. 

This great result is a tribute to the house parents who with great passion for education and love of GOD, work diligently with the children for their spiritual growth as well as additional education after school since the schools in the village have limited resources to hire qualified teachers.  My team and I join our voices with the children to thank you for all your support which allowed them to receive this education.  We are giving them a better future with the hope that they will make a difference in the society of Cameroon in the years ahead. 

Summertime is usually the rainy season time at the Children’s Home which means more grass to clear and also harvest season for all of the planted foods.  The oldest boys use the first couple weeks of summer to assist workers in clearing and farming in the morning.  The girls use this time to continue learning sewing and also helping with the harvest when time allows. The youngest do coloring, reading etc, in the mornings and in the afternoon all join together for some fun activities. 

The last week of July the oldest children took a trip for a week of summer camp with the church in the city of Douala.  At the same time some were placed for a few weeks in families for vacation while the Manjo staff took turns on vacation that allowed everyone to refresh for the new school year that will begin soon.  

Manjo Children’s home has welcomed young Akam Martin, a 15-year boy who has not had the opportunity to go past primary school. He was living from one daily job to another when he could find work.  While we are looking to put him in trade school he is currently learning farming with our agricultural staff. He was also able to be a part of the summer camp group. 

As we continue to pursue this great work and it becomes more demanding, please continue to pray for GOD’s  wisdom and provision. As the whole world is suffering inflation it is a reality at the Children’s Home as well. Prices of everything have doubled and some have tripled, yet we still have to feed the children and hire additional staff . 

When I look  back to how far we have come,  I praise GOD without ceasing for all He has done through each of you. I keep the hope that He will bring this to completion what He has started.   In quoting Mother Theresa, “ I’m a little pencil in the hand of the writing God”!  To Him alone be all Glory!!!!! 

Blessings to you and yours, 

Simone Njei


Thanksgiving from Manjo


Dear Family and Friends