Thanksgiving from Manjo

Dear Friends and Family, 

As we enter another season of Thanksgiving, I stop to reflect on all of God's blessings this year.  We have so much to be thankful for at Manjo Children's Home.  My team and I, along with the children and staff at Manjo thank you for the part you have played.  Through your generosity and prayers we are making  a huge impact in the lives of the children. 

Manjo Children's Home now has 32 children in residence with 30 of those currently attending school.  They are doing well in school, enjoying farming and loving and helping each other. This past summer we welcomed both new children and a new set of house parents.

Nora - she missed six years of education after losing both parents in the civil war.  With your support we have helped her get back to school.  She has a long way to go but we intend to help her to catch up so that she can eventually enter trade school.

Wildred - he fled from an abusive home and was rescued after social service found him at the entrance of the Children's Home one Sunday after he had fled from his abusive step-father.  It warms my heart to see how happy he has already become at Manjo. 

Martin - he abandoned school four years ago and did odd jobs to help his brother Cedric who also stopped school after the primary years.  These boys never had a chance to know their earthly father but today are living with mothers and fathers at Manjo who love them.  They are both back in school and pursuing their education. 

Success and Precious - they joined the family at Manjo this summer because their family was struggling to survive having a blind father who could not continue to provide for their needs due to his physical impairment. 

Little did we know that we would have the privilege to have this father and his wife join us a parents of the house "Peace".  Joseph may be blind but he is not bound.  He washes clothes, splits wood and helps with the spiritual education of the children. His wife Carolyn helps to keep the house clean, assures the boys in house Peace are well cared for and helps with after school care for the children in Kindergarten and Class 1.  They have two younger children, Princess and Samuel, who have also joined our family at Manjo. 

Through your generosity, we were able to complete the house "Kindness", our 4th 3-bedroom, 2-bath house.  We also purchased a 50kva generator which is a big deal since power outages are getting worse day by day.  The climate change has caused a longer rainy season and less sunshine and the solar fridges were not able to function properly so the Lord has provided two chest fridges.

Other blessings this year include local visitors who bring goods and encouragement, the beginning of a book club to enhance a desire to read and a wonderful staff who through patience and perseverance help to love and guide these broken children. 

Of course there are challenges with raising this many children in a world that is experiencing a financial crisis but we are forever grateful for those of you who pray and give to keep this work going.  We ask that you continue to pray and support so that this great work we have started together can bring a great harvest in due time. 


Simone Njei

In order above: Joseph and Carolyn washing clothes. Kids going to school after the summer break. Staff doing food preparation. The girls learning sewing. New fruit trees are ready for planting.


Summer 2022 Update