Dear Family and Friends

I hope you are all enjoying this warmer week of spring after some crazy spring weather.  I cannot believe it is already the middle of May!

Although we have not sent a newsletter update for the past couple of months, the work at the children’s home continues to move forward. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

My husband Richard and I spent some time on the ground at the Children’s Home a few months ago.   As always it was a time to connect with the children and get to know them more as well as a time to encourage our staff and serve with them. It was very encouraging to see the development in the children’s lives in their spiritual growth, physical development, the progress in education, and the emotional healing. I truly celebrate and praise GOD for His blessings. It was great to have Richard there and to see him organize a soccer game with the neighboring village children, this is truly their favorite sport. 

The children that arrived not long ago were not able to read or write but now not only are reading in English and French but speaking both languages as well.  They are loving each other and praying with one another.  Of course, they still occasionally revert back to habits from their past but the improvement is really noticeable and encouraging. All the children at the Home are doing great in school and next year is looking promising.  Thanks to the wonderful house parents that do the biggest part in teaching them after school.

Another purpose of our trip was to oversee the completion of the fourth house ”Kindness”, complete the small bridge at the entrance and locate the area where the school will be built as we pray for a primary school on site which is greatly needed because of the number of children growing and the poor quality of education in the school system in the village. We are hoping also to help many uneducated children in the village to have a chance for free education.  We didn’t quite accomplish everything we planned but got a lot done including some unexpected projects (see more details on the blog on our website)

As we soon close the school year and think ahead to the next school year please continue to pray for the children and this project as we trust GOD for the future.   If you feel led to sponsor a child’s education, you can donate using our website.  We have a number of children on the waiting list.  The need is great but we just take them one at a time because it is costly and, as everywhere in the world, now prices are going up for everything and that is a big challenge. Schooling is not free in Cameroon.  The costs varies depending on whether it is English or French and depending on the level:
        Primary School English: $85 per year
        Primary School French:  $65 per year
        Secondary School English:  $195 per year
        Secondary School French:  $175 per year

My team and I are forever thankful for you for your support as you help change lives through this project.

GOD Bless,

Simone Njei 

Ps: Please check our updated website for more pictures and detail: 


Summer 2022 Update


What a Welcome