2019 Update


  1. Water at the well

  2. The third house is nearing completion

  3. Benisse: big sister

  4. Celebration: First year complete!

  5. Children without school?

  6. More children added

  7. Farming increases

Can you imagine carrying 44 LBS of water? And multiple times a day?!

The very fact that one of our boys had to do this daily- at just 13 years of age- often kept us awake at night back in the States. The need for clean water access is real in Manjo.

And this year, Richard and I oversaw the building of a well!​

What joy replaced our worry, knowing that completion of this project would mean clean water for our children to drink and to bathe, and no longer have to carry!


If #2 wasn’t amazing progress already, house number three brings even more blessings to the Manjo community!

It will enable missionaries who choose to stay on the grounds to have a place to sleep. That way the other spaces can accept more children arriving in July this year.

Benisse Leads the Way!

Benisse is our oldest of all the children at Manjo! She is an incredible sister to each of them.

Our girls had a great time playing handball with the girls from the village. And the boys played a lot of soccer.

Our First Year Complete!

On March 17, we officially celebrated our first-year anniversary! Joining the celebration were children from nearby Namba village, as well as the local church there.

We all sang praises for the transformation in the lives of the children we have so far received at Manjo.

Richard and I marveled how the children are so happy and growing quite well! They enjoy playing the educational games provided by supporters like you.

And now that the floor of the gathering place is complete, they can share these games in a larger area with children from the village!

A year-round summer break from school?

Many of the children in Cameroon are out of school year-round, due to various crises and social service agencies not playing their proper role. Providing education for children is one of our biggest challenges.

Please lift up this young generation of those who have come into the loving arms of Manjo, and those who still wander without hope. Despite mountains of challenges along the way, there is a great reason to press forward!

More Children Arrive!

In the summer more children arrived at the home, bringing our total to 15!

Farming Increases

Pineapples, yuca, beans, and sweet potatoes were grown this year to help feed the children. 


2020 Update


2018 Update