2018 Update

It has been a while since you last receive an update report from The Manjo Children’s Home. Please accept my apologies for the delay. I have to confess we returned safely from our 2018 mission trip but I was so drained it took me some time to get back to myself.

In March 2018 my husband Richard and I took a trip to Cameroon. It was just the two of us as our usual team was not able to go this year due to health, family, and security reasons. They were greatly missed by Richard and I and the people of the village.

Our goal in this year's mission was to do the Opening Ceremony of the Children’s Home and also oversee some building work on the ground (the gathering place and the start of the 3rdhouse).

Despite all difficulties, I rejoice in the faithfulness of GOD!  On March 17, 2018, the Manjo Children’s Home was officially opened. I want to stop once again and thank each of you for the vital part you have played to make this possible. Through the years, your prayers, contributions, words of encouragement, talent, and time have been used by God. 

I want to mention that every single item that was collected and shipped last November in preparation for the opening finally arrived. Despite many delays sit finally made it and thanks once more to those who participated in that wonderful offering.

It was a great encouragement to see the underprivileged children play with the puzzles and games and rejoice over the soccer balls. They formed teams to play soccer on the Children’s Home property as Richard built them temporary goals. The joy in the hearts of the winning team was indescribable as they celebrated their victory prize: nothing but candies and a new ball, “It doesn’t take much to make a child happy”!

The big challenge remains:  we have the doors open and can bring more children to live in the home but the time to process each case with the social service system of Cameroon is endless. It was painful to discover children in primary school who never had a birth certificate. If nothing is done not only are they orphans but they become potential street children because they cannot attend primary school and they will not be allowed to attend secondary school without common entrance and the required official exams can only be taken if there is a public record of their birth.  This ID can only be established with a birth certificate. On the other hand, this heart-breaking situation gave me more determination to push through doors that seem difficult to open, and yet future generations’ lives are at stake. Besides the three children we already have living at the home, we have a number on a list in the process to get the social service approval. 

As far as the building is concerned, there was some delay in building the gathering place, but while we were there, there was a great improvement and now it is almost completed. . This room will serve for study and a common area for meals as well as indoor activities during the rainy season.

The foundation of the third house has been completed as well. This house is to host volunteers that come from a distance and it will reduce the cost of their stay to live on the grounds and also for any long-term volunteers.

It was a bonus to be able to visit and just love the children of other orphanages in the area. As we have done in the past we shared the pineapple we grew with them.

The fish in the pond are developing well, pineapple, avocado, and other vegetables are coming along well.

Our prayer and heart’s desire is to get educated, devoted men and women that will give time to help build these children’s lives. 

Be on the lookout for our next newsletter as we plan to take a team of men and women on our 2019 mission trip. It is our prayer by then that we will have children living at the Home and the team can help the children with art, hygiene, farming, sports, and spiritual growth.  (the planned 2019 trip is being postponed to 2020)


2019 Update


2017 Update