2017 Update

The team that traveled to Cameroon in March 2017 has all returned safely home.  It was a very production missions trip:

  • The fish pond is almost completed

  • The building of the gate is in progress

  • Social services have approved Manjo for the placement of children

  • Pineapples grown on the property were shared with two other orphanages

This trip has been a great encouragement, given new hope, and increased my faith. I want to pause and thank you once again for your part in this project. Many of you believed in this project when it was only words. You have prayed for it and for me knowing that it takes God to make a way where there seems to be no way. Some helped me get the vision on paper, some gave money, some spoke words of encouragement to me when frustration set in, some walked many miles to get to the land when there was no road.

It has taken an international community, sacrificing and working physically and spiritually. Because of your contribution we now have two houses equipped and ready for children, with beds and mattresses, linens, furniture, running water, solar power, a pineapple farm, and now a fish pond.

Though there is still much to do, I celebrate what has been done. I thank God for His faithfulness, for strength, and for His infinite provision.

What is next? We are in the process of hiring some staff to work with the children. Pray that God will help us pick the right staff. We will continue to trust in Him for the days ahead. Pray that He will make a way for worldwide volunteers to work in the program, helping with education, activities, farming, and trade.

Manjo Children's Home is now a reality. It is a place a child can find refuge, love, and restoration. It is a place prepared for them by a loving Father.


2018 Update


2016 Update