2021 Update

I can't believe it has been 5 months since we sent an update from Manjo Children's home. During that time of silence, many tremendous things have happened!

This past year (2020-2021) was a successful school year for the children of Manjo Children's Home. The three orphans that arrived in April were able to join the school and finish the year with the rest of the children. All of our children passed to the next class and one graduated from primary to secondary school. Pride not only graduated from primary but passed both of his official exams (Common Entrance and First Living Certificate). We had a great celebration!

During the early summer, the Children's Home was selected by the Cameroonian Government to be the location of the 31st Annual Celebration of the African Child for the whole region of Moungo. Although it was a frustrating time because it came unexpectedly and without government funding, some of you stepped up and helped make this event successful. The event provided exposure to our ministry and promotes protection for abused children in the region.

The children also had a great summer. Bernice and Freedom were granted free sewing classes for summer by a generous woman in the town of Manjo. By the end of the summer, Bernice was able to mend some of the boys’ trousers. Meanwhile, Yvan (who is learning masonry) was able to help in the building of the 4th house while Justin (who is learning electrical work) also assisted the electrician who came to work on the houses. It is very encouraging to see the improvement in the learning ability of the children. None of this would have happened without your generous support through the years!

Also during this time, two of the children were allowed to leave the Children's Home to reunite with their family of origin. Pride, who came to us 3 years ago after his father was killed and his mother was so sick, was able to be reunited with his mother who is in better health and is being supported by her uncle. It was an honor to send Pride back to his family with his diplomas in hand. Deborah who came to us two years ago never knew her father and mother and, was living with her grandmother who couldn't manage her at the time. Her grandmother was able to come for visits but now is not able to travel and wanted Deborah closer to her. We are looking for a sponsor for Deborah and praying for her and her grandmother. It was sad and hard to let these children go but we celebrate that when they needed help the most, Manjo Children's Home was there.

In the meantime we have seven new children added this summer. We now have 23 children, 19 in primary school and 4 in secondary school. We also added to that baby Victory who was born to our house parents Samuel and Arlette this summer. Baby and mama are doing great and everyone is happy to have her.

Construction is also continuing. We are now building the fourth house. The foundation was laid in February and the walls in July. We are now waiting to put the frame up for the roofing. COVID-19 has caused many delays in construction and increased prices. Our goal is to complete this house in the Spring of 2022. We also started molding the concrete for the temporary bridge that will be built this fall at the entrance. The rainy season makes it very difficult to enter the property so this is a must.

All of this progress doesn't happen without challenges. There has been a lot of sickness including malaria and skin problems (due to lack of care from where the children came from). Breakdowns in appliances, plumbing, and electricity have been many. The need for volunteers to help with the education of the children is great and we are believing the need for a primary school on the property is essential. Currently, we are paying for all of the children to go to school and it would be great to have a school of our own for our children and also the many children in the village who cannot afford to pay.

The Lord blessed me with being able to spend 5 weeks on the ground at the Manjo Children's Home this past summer. Going through the daily routine with the children has increased my passion for this work.

We are so grateful for the part you have played in this ministry. The lives transformed, the hope restored is truly a work of God that YOU have had a part in. We are grateful for the transportation that has been provided by your generous gifts. We are grateful for the staff who serve God faithfully on the ground. My team and I join our voices with the voices of the children in thanking you for your support.

May you and your family be blessed,

Simone Njei (Batchadji)




2020 Update