After being a stay-at-home mom for eighteen years, Heather now works in the field of Education because she loves children. She also loves the Lord and knows His heart for children, especially orphans, and considers it a privilege to serve on the Board of Manjo Children’s Home, a ministry that serves to love God’s children in Cameroon. With a personal background of childhood trauma and parent-child attachment issues, Heather knows first-hand the devastating consequences of adverse childhood experiences and has a genuine heart of compassion toward each and every child at the Children’s Home. She has learned from personal experience that God is the only perfect parent. And with God as our Abba Father, no one is fatherless, no one is an orphan. Heather is a passionate prayer warrior who is especially concerned with the emotional and mental health needs of these children who come from traumatic backgrounds, and believes that God has a great plan and purpose for each child and will heal them and make them whole for His glory and honor.